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Dear cyclist, we ask that you complete the registration form in its entirety, with as much information as possible so that we can register / renew the UVP-FPC License as soon as possible.
1. Insert the validity date of the identification document, if your document is a passport or residence permit, describe the same EX. Passport No. 0000000 - 12-12-2039.
2. In the UVP-FPC field, if no type of option is placed by default, the management will request the digital card and the registration in Cic.Para Todos.
3. If any data is missing from the registration form, the cyclist will be contacted through the channels provided, if the board does not get any kind of answers, his registration with the UVP-FPC will be suspended, and the cyclist will not be insured.
4. Each cyclist plans his season at will.
4. When registering, the athlete authorizes the TugaCycling Portugal Association to use his image (Photos, videos) on our social networks and website, in case he does not wish to inform by email of the intended one.
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